Wednesday, November 9, 2016

This is NOT the End of the World

Me again.

So I get a word-of-the-day on my Dictionary app, and the word for today was Syncretism.

"The attempted reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion."

How fitting.

I don't have to say what happened today; we all know. It's been all over every social media site, news program, newspaper, water cooler conversation, and anywhere else it could be discussed. (Just in case you're just getting back from Mars or have been camped out under a rock, I'm referring to the presidential election results).

Now, I don't usually post about political stuff. And one of the reasons I don't is because it's so divisive. A lot of people don't seem to have the ability (or desire) to disagree cordially; there has to be name-calling, finger-pointing, degradation, and all this other unnecessary nonsense.

I don't care for that. So I stay out of it.

A few years ago, during President Obama's first term, I wrote a blog-say (blog/essay) titled 'I Don't Like Politics.' The gist of the blog-say was that I despise all the mud-slinging, diversion from the issues, and pointless minutiae that clogs most electoral campaigns. All of the hatred spewed towards President Obama, and for what reason? What has he really done to deserve that? And he's still getting it (remember the people with the President Obama mask and the noose at the University of Wisconsin football game just last month?).

And now, the same thing is happening again...and this time, it's not only towards the president-elect, a lot of it has been from the president-elect.

There is no syncretism. And there probably won't be.

You would think that things like opposing police brutality, discrimination, racism, unequal pay, etc. would be things that we could all agree on, regardless of what political party we sided with. But shockingly (or not), that's not the case.

All day on Facebook today, I've seen arguments, debates, calls for action, prayers, long soliloquies about how we're now doomed, and everything else. And while I am certainly not happy about how the election turned out...I'm kinda over it.

I voted. The person I voted for didn't win. It is what it is. That's not to say I don't care, 'cause I do. I'm in this country. But I simply choose to expend my energy on things I can control, and that's raising my son, writing my books, building my business, expanding my knowledge, and living my life as I was before last night.

My trust is in God, not the president. Regardless of who it may be.

So no, we probably won't have syncretism any time soon. People seem to be more divided than ever, and the divide will probably widen before it narrows. But, in my opinion at least, this is not the end of the world. We've survived a lot of things in this country, and we will survive this.

Until next time...


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