Thursday, July 18, 2019

10 Things I'm REALLY Bad At

I really believe that everyone is gifted at something. No matter how small of a thing it may seem to be, everyone has something they're better than most at. Myself included.

But there are also things that we're just really bad at. We can practice it, study it, dream about it, take classes on it. We can do that stuff all day. Doesn't matter. We stink.

So I thought I would share with you some things that I am not very good at.
1. Anything to do with math.
- I can do the basic stuff. But if you start asking me to calculate a bunch of problems in my head, you lose me. I'm good with words, not numbers.

2. Making pancakes.
- Seriously. I can just never get those darn things to come out as nice as in the pictures. And I follow those freakin' recipes to the letter.

3. Pull-ups.
- Even when I was at my strongest, I just could not do those things.

4. Writing left-handed. 
- It looks like a kindergartner wrote it.

5. Rolling my tongue. 
- That sexy thing people can do where they roll their R's? Yeah, I can't do that at all.

6. Doing splits.
- I haven't been able to do those things since I was a kid.

7. Learning a foreign language. 
- I've tried, 'cause I would love to be multilingual. But I just can't remember most of the stuff.

8. Swimming.
- I don't get mess with anything deeper than five feet. Don't even ask me.

9. Doing cornrows. 
- And I actually went to cosmetology school. How sad is that?

10. Couponing
- I have read articles, looked at that extreme couponing show, joined coupon clubs, all that. It always ends up being more effort than it's worth. I don't need a bunch of coupons for baby stuff and dog food, which is usually what I ended up with.

I could keep going but I'll end my self-deprecation there.

Is there anything you're particularly bad at? Share them. I'm not gonna laugh.

Oh, and if you want to sign up for my email list, just click right here.

I love ya for reading. Until next week!

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