Thursday, February 11, 2016

I Love Valentine's Day

I know it's been so long since I've posted, and I'm awful. I'm a procrastinator. This has been on my calendar every week but in my astounding genius, I didn't set an actual reminder so it oftentimes went unnoticed. But I'm going to do better!

So anyway, Valentine's Day is coming up in a few days. Now, I don't have a man or anything, but I'm still looking forward to it. I'm a big romantic sap so even without a boyfriend, the day is awesome for me. I just love to celebrate love. And yes, that should be done every day, dah dah dah...I get it. But in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with having a designated day to highlight it. I give thanks and am thankful for things all year but I still acknowledge and love Thanksgiving. People seem to be on a mission to down Valentine's Day, for whatever reason. I don't know if it's out of loneliness or just an innate negativity or bitterness or what, but it's sad to me. Just chill the heck out. It is what you make it.

So, my son and I have established our own little tradition of what we call Chicken and Chocolate (which always draws strange looks from people when they hear it. LOL). There's not much to it, really...we get some Popeye's, go to Walgreen's or wherever and each get whichever kind of chocolate we like, then we come home and watch the NBA All-Star festivities, which always seem to fall during this time. That's it. We just enjoy that time together pigging out and watching a game we both love. I'm enjoying this while it lasts because my son is 12 and I know it's only a matter of time before he doesn't want to hang out with me so much anymore...his Valentine's Days will be occupied with his *gulp* girlfriend. I'm not in a big hurry for that.

In other things, I'm really looking forward to my seventh book, Backtalk, coming out. I've been excited about this one ever since the idea started budding in my brain. And I have other plans for this story, also. This is a really exciting time...I just love being creative. One of the best things about being an author is that you get to make everything up and it can end any way you want it to. And I happen to dig that since I have next to no control over anything else.

So I'm going to be doing a lot better about getting this out on a more regular basis from here on out. Pinky swear. Today's is kind of short just because I'm in the middle of several things at once (I'm actually on a conference call right now...shhhh). I hope y'all have an awesome Valentine's Day...get some kisses, get some hugs, eat some candy or whatever. It's a day of love, even if you're just loving on yourself. Heck, take yourself out; treat yourself to something. I know I've done it plenty of times. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. :)

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